What is your problem really?? Why all the killings?? Don't you think having to use a rocket, helicopter gunships and mortars is a little too much?? Huh??
I mean... by all means first stop your own major wars, before using Pokot grounds to practice for the next war, you want to start with Kenya. We appreciate your show of weaponry, but please keep it to yourselves.
Again, I think lack of education is a real hazard to the community. These Ugandans should well learn how to differentiate pregnant women, children and raiders. Why shoot them??. And again, their geography teachers should have taught them well where the boarder lines reach, so they stop getting past the border.
The Pokot raiders in Kenya are Kenya's problem not yours so keep it to your Karamojong and leave the peaceful Kenyans alone... More-so their wives and kids. FYI... Pokot is no military field for you to go practice your launching of weapons..
I may be so wrong on all this, but please, keep the war to yourselves, you don't have to spread it just because you cant solve it.
And you Kenyan defense ministry sitting on your fat asses, Akina Karume and Nkaissery, ***Lemmi put Karume out of this, he just may not be comprehending what's going on. He needs a translator if not a Kikuyu newspaper*** Can you wake up and do something. We cant just sit and watch out own perish in the hands of neighbors.
Get your asses up and for once do what we pay you to do.
Am not amused...
For those not believing.. Check this out
Monday, July 23, 2007 at 6:23:00 PM GMT+3
LMAO!!..They lack what?? LOL! Utachapwa aki..
Bt whatever cause they have for the raids they have to stop, n Shooting pregnant women & Children wont even help improve the situation..
U have a right to be that mad with them, we all have the right!!