I was reading an article the other day[I can't trace it in this jumble of a mess called my house], on how high the cause of H.I.V is due to orgies. I had to get it clear from msema kweli, and yes I did.
I was left wondering, does this happen in Kenya? [Of course it does dummy]
No that's not the question. Question is, Are any of the people I know doing it? What should I do to help?
On second thought, do they really need help? I guess they're enjoying it, because, I actually have a friend, out of coincidence, at a party I was in, who confessed to attending such. I didn't have her attention enough to ask her clearly well about it, but the thought of her bragging about a whole weekend of orgy was too much. I would never dare say it in public myself...
Come to think of it.. Who goes??
The Very "pretty" ones. Like, I would call her a goddess, perfect in everything- Lemmi use the lines of Dan Brown in Digital Fortress.
I guess either she lacks something in her, or it's just... just... I just don't know... [Somebody help!!]But maybe am being too conservative and backward. Should we all be trying it?? Maybe it's fun. And I also got it from a buddy that most of whom who practice it are older men and yoooooung women. Like the one I saw.
Anyway come to think of it, if you were a whore.. would you tell anyone??
If you were an orgies person, would you brag about it??
Am shocked and wondering.. Be this the Virgin, Innocent Africa we all know??
Like it is!
Get a life young lady! I guess whatever it is you're doing is really disgusting and not anything to brag about. Miss pretty, please stop wasting yourself. Those men have nothing to loose except hurt your small beautiful heart!!
Such was you here,weeee ...weeee
@ Inexes.. Doomed we are. If it goes on aki many will die of H.I.V
I was shocked by that chic. And YUCK at the gays.. Iew!!
@ Gerald.. Velkome!! Is me!
Hell No! Anyone who attend such parties needs serious prayers!!
U are damn right! Someone needs get a life!! LOL
orgies?..hehe, ebu tell me where there is one. :D
@ Klara Yeah they definetely need prayers.
@ Boyflani Ieeeew!!! Whats up with you?? Jeez!! think you're even too young to think of that. LOL
Firstly, Nice blog you have Karibu.
Secondly, I almost panicked when I entered here coz you have same template as me and I thought who has taken over my blog :-)
Third, On Orgies let me just say I don't need any spectators, thank you.
that pic...Huh?.....
Those men have nothing to loose except hurt your small beautiful heart!!..............
what? Stop discouraging others who want to follow what they see to be the right way..
May be you have just be unlucky...
Did your friend tell you whether they practised safe orgy considering that Kenyans are using 12 million condoms a month? Wacha watu wafurahie na wakule raha tosha.
@ Kirima... Whoa!! I saw it too... I guess great minds...
And on orgies bit.. LOL
@ Eddie get a life young man. So immoral you can be. And you of all will say enjoy??
@ Kadinya Ni nini mjamaa?? Would you do it?? Or rather would you allow your sister to do it??
Why anyone wants other people during those 'tymes' beats me kabisa!
wananchi wajienjoy... munapiga kelele huku huku wakati hiyo hiyo wenzenu wana jienjoy..huko huko .. wachanaaaaa
hakuna kitu ya bure.unaniona hapa na baadaye nitaenda nijienjoy !
If a chick/guy goes through 6 intimate relnships sequentially is it much diff from an orgy save for timing and privacy??
Just checking where you're coming from LOL
@ Farmgal With you there. I too wonder
@ KIP yaani even you go to such parties?? Wah??
@ Milo I think an orgy is where five or more people get together and have sex in one big pile kind of. And it has to be multiple, not three because thats a threesome, not four because thats a foursome, which is quite different from sequential relationships. I guess there's a HUGE difference. I mean isn't it different to have 3 guys fucking you at the same time, from one guy a day....
sawa sawa...one boyfulani's delicacy is ana's sheflani's poison.
Saturday, July 28, 2007 at 5:09:00 PM GMT+3
Orgies? Hell NO. I'll be dead before i attend dem parties.
In Kenya i understand these parties are quite common among gays. Ati they chinga a mbuzi next minute they mangaing each other. Yuck!