There is so much shame in it, especially when you're told to chuck your ID, and you happily do it, since you just hit 22, 23 there, then the guy looks at you twice and says, "We only admit 25 and above". To make matters worse, it's in front of a crew you wanna be looking impressive in.
"Why? Why? why me?" You keep asking yourself.
Let me give you a tip sister... Never look nervous( I mean like you're in primary school, the headmaster just stopped you and you're pressed at the same time. You get me??..)
Then, look like NOT underage, by the way you dress.. I mean your clothes, shoes, Hair..e.t.c.. Dont look like you're going to F2, while you are going to Martinis... Please.. spare us.
Then, there are fake IDs.. very easy to find. Use one to avoid the embarrassment. Or else, avoid those clubs.
And make sure you take with you a crowd that wont leave you out when you're frozen at the door. They will be with you all the way.
Sister... good luck..
And Grow up a little faster, so you can get to get into Trolleys. LOL
Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 10:18:00 AM GMT+3
lol, dont tell me nimeku-trace mpaka huku tena mami..lol..eish, that foto is hoooooooooot. n kwani u disprd n went under age?uli lockiwa nje nini...my foro is still coming.