I was reading an article the other day[I can't trace it in this jumble of a mess called my house], on how high the cause of H.I.V is due to orgies. I had to get it clear from msema kweli, and yes I did.
I was left wondering, does this happen in Kenya? [Of course it does dummy]
No that's not the question. Question is, Are any of the people I know doing it? What should I do to help?
On second thought, do they really need help? I guess they're enjoying it, because, I actually have a friend, out of coincidence, at a party I was in, who confessed to attending such. I didn't have her attention enough to ask her clearly well about it, but the thought of her bragging about a whole weekend of orgy was too much. I would never dare say it in public myself...
Come to think of it.. Who goes??
The Very "pretty" ones. Like, I would call her a goddess, perfect in everything- Lemmi use the lines of Dan Brown in Digital Fortress.
I guess either she lacks something in her, or it's just... just... I just don't know... [Somebody help!!]But maybe am being too conservative and backward. Should we all be trying it?? Maybe it's fun. And I also got it from a buddy that most of whom who practice it are older men and yoooooung women. Like the one I saw.
Anyway come to think of it, if you were a whore.. would you tell anyone??
If you were an orgies person, would you brag about it??
Am shocked and wondering.. Be this the Virgin, Innocent Africa we all know??
Like it is!
Get a life young lady! I guess whatever it is you're doing is really disgusting and not anything to brag about. Miss pretty, please stop wasting yourself. Those men have nothing to loose except hurt your small beautiful heart!!
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There is so much shame in it, especially when you're told to chuck your ID, and you happily do it, since you just hit 22, 23 there, then the guy looks at you twice and says, "We only admit 25 and above". To make matters worse, it's in front of a crew you wanna be looking impressive in.
"Why? Why? why me?" You keep asking yourself.
Let me give you a tip sister... Never look nervous( I mean like you're in primary school, the headmaster just stopped you and you're pressed at the same time. You get me??..)
Then, look like NOT underage, by the way you dress.. I mean your clothes, shoes, Hair..e.t.c.. Dont look like you're going to F2, while you are going to Martinis... Please.. spare us.
Then, there are fake IDs.. very easy to find. Use one to avoid the embarrassment. Or else, avoid those clubs.
And make sure you take with you a crowd that wont leave you out when you're frozen at the door. They will be with you all the way.
Sister... good luck..
And Grow up a little faster, so you can get to get into Trolleys. LOL
Posted in
What is your problem really?? Why all the killings?? Don't you think having to use a rocket, helicopter gunships and mortars is a little too much?? Huh??
I mean... by all means first stop your own major wars, before using Pokot grounds to practice for the next war, you want to start with Kenya. We appreciate your show of weaponry, but please keep it to yourselves.
Again, I think lack of education is a real hazard to the community. These Ugandans should well learn how to differentiate pregnant women, children and raiders. Why shoot them??. And again, their geography teachers should have taught them well where the boarder lines reach, so they stop getting past the border.
The Pokot raiders in Kenya are Kenya's problem not yours so keep it to your Karamojong and leave the peaceful Kenyans alone... More-so their wives and kids. FYI... Pokot is no military field for you to go practice your launching of weapons..
I may be so wrong on all this, but please, keep the war to yourselves, you don't have to spread it just because you cant solve it.
And you Kenyan defense ministry sitting on your fat asses, Akina Karume and Nkaissery, ***Lemmi put Karume out of this, he just may not be comprehending what's going on. He needs a translator if not a Kikuyu newspaper*** Can you wake up and do something. We cant just sit and watch out own perish in the hands of neighbors.
Get your asses up and for once do what we pay you to do.
Am not amused...
For those not believing.. Check this out
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Back in the days.. [not to say am soo old], I was really a person who lived by the thoughts of others about me. I was too afraid to live the life I wanted to live for fear of bruits, and what others would say about me.
Then I met a friend with whom I could be cockamamie with, but it never went past that, I still could never live my life the way I wanted to live it. I was angry at the whole world inside. I was against all, even trying to be against nature...
Then all of a sudden, one morning, my whole life changed. And I had no reason to fear scuttlebutts no more, for in my new life, everyone was talking about me. I never since was afraid to live how I had always wanted to live.
Now am not afraid to try it on my own. I don't care if am right, or wrong, I'll live my life the way I feel, and no matter what, am gonna keep it real. I know.. It's time for me to do it on my own...
And am back to reclaim my position in the society, that I once feared to live in, for fear of others.. Now am confident enough to set a building stone where I think is right... Am back for good.. Never to go again...
I will trample all giants and ants that will come against my way, and on them, I will learn great lessons.
And if nobody is willing to welcome me, I will welcome myself. For this is who I am now.. A changed me.. A me ready to face this crazy world. Who knows, I may die a queen of my world.