Initiation is a rite of passage ceremony marking entrance or acceptance into a group or society. It could also be a formal admission to adulthood in a community or one of its formal components. In an extended sense it can also signify a transformation in which the initiate is 'reborn' into a new role.
Enough on the enlightenment of what you already know. But I want to pose 2 major questions.
1. Does lack of passing through initiation [in the traditional way- as in circumsicion, or however else we please to initiate in different communities] make you different, e.g in the way you think, make decisions and your behavior e.t.c, to a person who has been through initiation?
In simpler terms, do they that have been initiated differ in terms of decision making, way of life, behavior and thinking, from they that have not been initiated?
[My Opinion]- They that have not, act less mature than they that have. Their decision making is somewhat irrational. And I think environmental conditions really alter their reasoning,and behavior. That takes me to my 2nd question...
2. Does [as a man] living with your mother,when you are past 24 years of age affect your behavior, decision making and thinking? In the sense that, your ma' will never see you like a grown up, even if you're 92 yrs old. So in any case, without exposure, a guy remains 18 years old even at 40.
YES to both. I can explain if need be though I think it is self explanatory.
ok lets be straight up... are you trying to insuniate that one who has not gone through intiation is lesser than one who has one throught it ???
do i sense someone who is trying justify her/his own prejiduce....??????
If we all to be honest..... its advicable to go under go some intiation of sorts...its like graduation .. from college!!
Kip waambie.
bomseh lol! dont get me wrong.... papi ...its not am not saying ati one must be intiated.. am with klara kiasi ...on the fact that if your community does it lazima you do it..and if your community doesn't.. personally i would still be like.... maybe you should consider trying something new?
We are on the same page Kip. Don't worry.
eish, enyewe it's been a while mpaka mabadiliko vimefanyika..eish!
cool though!
number shouldn't affect anything! my freaking two cents...question? how would you know even if he/she was initiated he wouldn't still be immature? it can help i don't refuse, lakini it's a person thing...
as for number two, that's so obvious it hurts...
ha you changed the furniture around. nice
Initiation makes a man...feel like a MAN! U hv heard the storos in hae skul where the guyz r forced 2 be initiated. U hv no freedom i guess coz even the mama's get scared of uncircumscised men.
As 4 a man living with the Mum after 24 yrs of age...guess it depends on how spoilt the guy is. Lakini over 29 n uko kwa mama? eish!!
@ Klara I agree with you on both cases
@ Bomseh Explain please
@ Kip At last!! You got my point
@ Modo On number two I was almost sure. But number one bado nina swali.
@ 3TOC Oh wow. Thanks for checkin me out ;) n Thanks kwa kuchungulia anyway.
@ Unyc Aha!! Good point!
Shee ... that guy should be allowed to come back and become a king so longer as people want him to be...
Thankx for a new look of your blog you succeded.....ha,...ha...
Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 5:58:00 PM GMT+3
On 1.I guess it all just depends on your culture/community if it does practise that & u as an Individual misses out chances are u will be affected! bad!
2.Am always remindin my bro that when he hits 22 he should start thinkin of moving out!! It surely affects coz Mama is still influential & It's even worse when dating such aguy!